Sunday, September 13, 2009
Inky Momma's Blog Candy
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
April's Shower Invite

On my list of things to create is the baby shower invite, a baby memory can, a starter scrapbook, a butterfly mobile, thank you cards, table settings for the baby shower... As you can see, if I actually get this list accomplished, I will have quite a bit to show.
For today, I have the baby shower invitation for show. The inspiration for the invitation comes from a design April found and the little kumquat's room.
So far that is all I have to show, but as time goes you will be seeing more!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stacy's Baby Shower

I also gave her a baby memory can, but I forgot to take a picture! It was similar to the one that I made for Erika. I am going to personalize it for her once they decide on a name for their sweet little girl, so I will take a picture then. She seemed to like it, so I am happy. I just hope that she uses it!
I have another baby memory can that I am going to be making for Erika for her little baby boy that is due in September that I will be posting soon. And hopefully I will be more motivated to start making cards again :) I have tons of sketches drawn up it is all about finding time which is hard to come by these days. But I'm hoping for at least a card a week. A girl can dream right???
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Bad Blogger
My BFF recently got on me about on me about not updating my blogs – Yes, believe or not I have two. The first thought that went through my mind was “You actually read it?” To tell you the truth, I thought only my mom did. And to be fair I thought she only went on when I told her I posted pictures of my latest craft projects.
And then I thought about why I started my blogs in the fairst place… What started out as a harmless activity of reading a blog or two a day, has turned into a complete and unstoppable OBSESSION. This my friends is my Google Blog Reader.
Do you see why I was pulled into the blogging world? These women are wonderful women. They write wonderfully stories - stories that make you laugh; stories that make you want to cry; stories that make you want to get off your ass and make something. But for me, all these women made me want to write again.
So I started up not one, but two blogs. One blog would be where all my craft stuff would go – Always Jenn, and one blog would be where all my writing and thoughts about the world would go – It’s Just Jenn.
Unfortunately, I have failed miserably at both of my blogs. The first one to go by the wayside was It’s Just Jenn. It is not that I don’t have a lot going on and hate writing, because believe me I have a lot of thoughts in my head and plenty to write about. It is just finding a time to write is an impossibility these days. Like right now, I am writing at my lunchtime at work. And let’s be truthful forks, who wants to sit at their desk at lunchtime? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my computer. They even got my a 24” screen J Yes, I am spoiled. But even with the nice screen, I need to be outside or at the mall on my hour break to keep my sanity.
Always Jenn stayed up and moving a bit longer. It was just a bit easier to maintain. Take a picture of my card/creation, add my watermark, make a short little write up for the blog and WAHLAH! We have a blog entry! As long as I am creative, the darn thing writes itself. But then the inevitable happened, my mojo disappeared. I just lost all motivation to do any sort of creative stuff. I would look at all the blogs on my reader and even with all the beautiful ideas – no motivation…
So in the long run, what this all boils down to is… Jenn is a damn slacker! But I am going to try harder to get better at updating both of my blogs, at least once a week with something new – baby steps is what I keep telling myself :) . And then who knows, maybe I’ll become like one of those daily bloggers that I LOVE! A girl can dream right?
Take Care,
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Crafty Christmas Stuff
First up is the gift basket I made for my sister. She recently moved out for her first time. And she is realizing that money is a bit hard to come by when you are on your own. So I made her a gift basket full of goodies like toothpaste and brushes, cough syrup, shampoo and conditioner, etc. I put it all in a basket and wrapped some pretty paper around each item to make the basket look a bit more festive.

And last but not least for my dad I made a tin holder that was decoupaged with all of his favorite sports teams. This was by far the most time consuming project, but well worth it.

Those are some of the things that I gave away for the holiday season. What did you give away?
Monday, December 15, 2008
More Pictures to Share
The first picture is of my BEAUTIFUL Christmas tree BEFORE the cats decided to attack it and knock it down. I had spent 2 hours perfecting everything, making sure the ribbon was laying properly and that the red and silver ornaments were evenly spaced out, only to find it laying in the middle of the floor the next morning. I was not a happy camper!

This picture was taken at Disney on Ice. It is of Alia and Nickolas being their typical goofy selfs. I had them posed just right and then Alia had to put her nacho cheese stained arm on top of Nickolas' head!

This picture turned out very good! It was taken on the night of Nickolas' Christmas program. While the other kids sung along with their class songs, Nickolas' decided to keep time by slapping on his knee. He is growing up to be such a handsome little boy!

This next picture is another one of Nickolas. It was taken on Saturday when April and I were out shopping. Before we went into Target, Nickolas had to play a bit in the red circle that is outside. I had a really good action shot of him jumping out of the circle, but unfortunately it came out blurry :(

And my last picture was from the "Dirty Santa" party last night. This is of Miss Alia and Miss Angel being the goofy girls that we all know and love. I tried to get a nice picture of them, but this is what I got instead!

Monday, December 8, 2008
More Photos for December
Below are the pictures that I took on Friday, Sat