Sunday, September 13, 2009
Inky Momma's Blog Candy
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
April's Shower Invite

On my list of things to create is the baby shower invite, a baby memory can, a starter scrapbook, a butterfly mobile, thank you cards, table settings for the baby shower... As you can see, if I actually get this list accomplished, I will have quite a bit to show.
For today, I have the baby shower invitation for show. The inspiration for the invitation comes from a design April found and the little kumquat's room.
So far that is all I have to show, but as time goes you will be seeing more!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stacy's Baby Shower

I also gave her a baby memory can, but I forgot to take a picture! It was similar to the one that I made for Erika. I am going to personalize it for her once they decide on a name for their sweet little girl, so I will take a picture then. She seemed to like it, so I am happy. I just hope that she uses it!
I have another baby memory can that I am going to be making for Erika for her little baby boy that is due in September that I will be posting soon. And hopefully I will be more motivated to start making cards again :) I have tons of sketches drawn up it is all about finding time which is hard to come by these days. But I'm hoping for at least a card a week. A girl can dream right???
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Bad Blogger
My BFF recently got on me about on me about not updating my blogs – Yes, believe or not I have two. The first thought that went through my mind was “You actually read it?” To tell you the truth, I thought only my mom did. And to be fair I thought she only went on when I told her I posted pictures of my latest craft projects.
And then I thought about why I started my blogs in the fairst place… What started out as a harmless activity of reading a blog or two a day, has turned into a complete and unstoppable OBSESSION. This my friends is my Google Blog Reader.
Do you see why I was pulled into the blogging world? These women are wonderful women. They write wonderfully stories - stories that make you laugh; stories that make you want to cry; stories that make you want to get off your ass and make something. But for me, all these women made me want to write again.
So I started up not one, but two blogs. One blog would be where all my craft stuff would go – Always Jenn, and one blog would be where all my writing and thoughts about the world would go – It’s Just Jenn.
Unfortunately, I have failed miserably at both of my blogs. The first one to go by the wayside was It’s Just Jenn. It is not that I don’t have a lot going on and hate writing, because believe me I have a lot of thoughts in my head and plenty to write about. It is just finding a time to write is an impossibility these days. Like right now, I am writing at my lunchtime at work. And let’s be truthful forks, who wants to sit at their desk at lunchtime? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my computer. They even got my a 24” screen J Yes, I am spoiled. But even with the nice screen, I need to be outside or at the mall on my hour break to keep my sanity.
Always Jenn stayed up and moving a bit longer. It was just a bit easier to maintain. Take a picture of my card/creation, add my watermark, make a short little write up for the blog and WAHLAH! We have a blog entry! As long as I am creative, the darn thing writes itself. But then the inevitable happened, my mojo disappeared. I just lost all motivation to do any sort of creative stuff. I would look at all the blogs on my reader and even with all the beautiful ideas – no motivation…
So in the long run, what this all boils down to is… Jenn is a damn slacker! But I am going to try harder to get better at updating both of my blogs, at least once a week with something new – baby steps is what I keep telling myself :) . And then who knows, maybe I’ll become like one of those daily bloggers that I LOVE! A girl can dream right?
Take Care,